Home Products ICT Solutions & Services Training Advanced Level series
Advanced Level series
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Product Code : 3
Product Category : Training
Unit of Measurements : 1
Minimum Order Quantity : 10
KPerak Implementation And Coordination Corporation
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: 05-5261881
: 05-5260881
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English Communication Program - Advanced Level Series

Do you ever feel hesitant to speak or write in English? Are you afraid to be laugh at when using English? Do you always wonder whether you pronounce the words correctly; use the right words for the right situation? Do you sometimes feel unsure of your grammar or vocabulary?

If you answer 'yes' to any of the questions, you have found the right place to improve your English.

Our 'English Communication Program' is tailored to help individuals develop and improve their English Language skills for personal, social, academic or vocational communication. The course syllabi are designed to hone your spoken and written communication skills. They are covered in four major skills group namely, speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Besides increasing the participants' self-confidence in speaking and writing in English, the program is striving to instill the love for the language among the participants.

The participants will be taught by qualified trainers from a well established language centre, Pusat Bahasa Wawasan Minda Cemerlang. A graded certificate of achievement will be awarded upon successful completion of each level.

The program is divided into three levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. It is suitable for:

•  civil servants
•  school leavers
•  graduates
•  working adults
•  expatriates
•  entrepreneurs

 A. Speaking Syllabus

Participants will learn to:

-Speak with degree of fluency and spontaneity making sustained interaction possible without  

 undue strain.

-Communicate information, opinions, feelings and ideas.

-Communicate in a variety of social situations using a range of functional language.

-Exchange information to perform a task.

-Narrate, describe, explain and express opinions in extended speech.

-Give straightforward descriptions, narratives, directions, instructions on topics encountered in

 personal, social, academic or vocational life.

-Contribute points to an argument on a familiar topic integrating sub-themes and coming to a


-Grammar include Complex Sentence Structure, All Verb Forms and Discourse.

-Speaking topics include Jobs and careers, Own local area, Further studies and self-improvement,

 Working roles and relationships and many more.

 B. Listening syllabus

 Participant will learn to:

-Understand standard spoken English delivered at normal speed.

-Follow short conversations both formal and informal in a range of familiar situations.

-Understanding gist, context, purpose, function, attitude, feelings, opinions and relationship.

-Follow a conversation and predict the likely outcome.

-Understand narratives, sequences, instructions, descriptions and explanations.

-Identify the function of short sentences which may contain idiomatic expressions.

-Follow a discussion to identify gist, detail, purposes and key ideas and distinguish between fact 

 and opinion.

-Follow clearly structured extended speech and more complex argument when familiar with the


 C. Reading Syllabus

 Participant will learn to:

-Understanding texts in different styles and purposes independently.

-Understand the main ideas in complex texts.

-Understand the way meaning is built up in a range of texts.

-Locate specific information from different parts of a text.

-Understand the feeling, opinions, and conditions in both formal and informal text.

-Understand lengthy texts containing complex instructions or explanations.

-Understand articles and reports in which the writers adopt particular viewpoints.

-Locate and understand information, ideas and opinions from longer texts.

 D. Writing Syllabus

 Participant will learn to:

-Write coherently on topics of general interest linking ideas appropriately and effectively.

-Write dear connected text describing real or imaginary people or events.

-Present an argument giving points for against supporting and evaluating different views.

-Write formal letters, reports or articles to fulfill a range of functions for practical purposes.

-Write letters descriptions of significant events, people or experiences.

-Use correct punctuation in formal and informal writing to enhance meaning.

-Correctly spell words used in work, study and daily life.

-Control grammar to communicate effectively although errors may occur when complex structures

 are attempted.




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