Home Products ICT Solutions & Services Training Intermediate Level Series
Intermediate Level Series
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Product Code : 2
Product Category : Training
Unit of Measurements : 1
Minimum Order Quantity : 10
KPerak Implementation And Coordination Corporation
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: 05-5261881
: 05-5260881
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English Communication Program - Intermediate Level Series

Do you ever feel hesitant to speak or write in English? Are you afraid to be laugh at when using English? Do you always wonder whether you pronounce the words correctly; use the right words for the right situation? Do you sometimes feel unsure of your grammar or vocabulary?

If you answer 'yes' to any of the questions, you have found the right place to improve your English.

Our 'English Communication Program' is tailored to help individuals develop and improve their English Language skills for personal, social, academic or vocational communication. The course syllabi are designed to hone your spoken and written communication skills. They are covered in four major skills group namely, speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Besides increasing the participants' self-confidence in speaking and writing in English, the program is striving to instill the love for the language among the participants.

The participants will be taught by qualified trainers from a well established language centre, Pusat Bahasa Wawasan Minda Cemerlang. A graded certificate of achievement will be awarded upon successful completion of each level.

The program is divided into three levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. It is suitable for:

•  civil servants
•  school leavers
•  graduates
•  working adults
•  expatriates
•  entrepreneurs


A. Speaking Syllabus

- Participant will earn to:

- Interact competently in everyday situations.

- Communicate information, opinions and ideas and respond to those of others.

- Communicate in a variety of social situations using an appropriate range of 

   functional language.

- Exchange information, feelings and opinions to perform a task.

- Narrate, describe, explain and express opinions in extended speech related to 

  familiar contexts.

- Contribute points to a simple discussion.

1. Pronunciation

Pronounce the sounds of English sufficiently well to be generally understood.

 2. Basic Grammatical Structure

Display good control of basic grammatical structures without noticeable errors when dealing with familiar topics.

 3. Familiar Speaking Situations

Display an adequate range of vocabulary and expressions to deal with familiar situations and topics.

Narrate using past tense.

4. Fluency, Descriptions, Narratives and Descriptions

-Initiate and follow the norms of turn taking, prompt and manage the discourse with a degree    

 of independence.

-Connect descriptions, narratives and descriptions in simple ways.

-Speak without undue hesitation unless searching for information, vocabulary or when  


-Grammar skills: Parts of Speech and Tenses (Sentence Structure, Verb Forms, Modals, Nouns, 

 Pronouns,Possessives, Prepositions, Articles, Determiners, Adjectives, Adverbs, Intensifiers).

-Speaking Topics include Public services, Health and hygiene, Places of interest, Weather and

 the environment and many more.

 B. Listening Syllabus

 Participant will learn to:

-Understand speech which is clearly and slowly articulated.

-Follow short conversations both formal and informal connected with education, work and 

 social life.

-Understanding gist, context, feelings, opinions and relationships.

-Understand simple questions, statements, narratives, directions, explanations and instructions.


-Identify the function of short utterances.


-Extract and reproduce key information from simple spoken messages and announcements.


 C. Reading Syllabus


Participant will learn to:


-Understand short simple narratives and descriptions, straight forward instructions, directions and

 explanations on familiar and work related topics.


-Recognise the different purposes of text both formal and informal when purpose and intended

 audience is clear.


-Locate specific predictable information in everyday short texts on familiar matters.


-Understand a simple line of argument simply expressed.


-Understand the main ideas and gist of simple letters and newspaper articles describing events.


-Understand routine formal letters on familiar topics.


-Understand everyday signs and notices found in public places.


D. Writing Syllabus


Participants will learn to:


-Compose simple texts using the appropriate format with some awareness of the intended



-Fill in a form with personal details recording information using conventions such as deleting,

 ticking and with someawareness of the intended audience.


-Follow instructions to write a formal letter, message or note.


-Write informally about family, living conditions, schooling and job, plans and arrangements,  

  likes and dislikes andpast activities.


-Write short descriptions or tell a simple story using simple and compound sentences.


-Write a short sequence of simple explanations, instructions or directions.


-Express simple opinions clearly.






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