Home Products Food & Beverages Organic Food & Supplements Feeding more interest immunity (650g) health supplement drink
Feeding more interest immunity (650g) health supplement drink
List Price : RM165.00
Product Code : HC0006
Product Category : Organic Food & Supplements
Unit of Measurements : 1
Minimum Order Quantity : 1
Easy Pha-Max Marketing Sdn Bhd
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Contact Person : Ben S.T. Wong
: 603-80681699
: 603-80665129
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Description :

According to the standard of medical experts, the human body needs at least six basic material in order to function properly. That is, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Indispensable. Even though thousands of the world with thousands of food, but it did not simply a one-off food for the human body needs nutrients. Understand this point, through the technology of high-tech and clever combination, the benefits of nutritious meals and more immune to a variety of rich and natural food of different nutritional characteristics, concentrated together, children benefit in a cup of strong immune meals get more adequate and sufficient nutrients.

Immunization by feeding multiple benefits, parents no longer have to worry about breakfast for the children, not to worry about running out of time to prepare breakfast for the children. Only a minute, you'll have for your child is planning a nutritious breakfast.


Nutritious meals and more beneficial to the human body immune beneficial because it can:
(A) to provide balanced nutrients
(B) strengthening the immune system
(C) to improve intelligence
(D) to promote normal development

(A) to provide balanced nutrients


  •  Help grow
  •  Constitute the organs and tissues (16% -19%), maintenance of the nervous system, increasing blood and improve the skin and help build muscle
  •  Regulation of physiological function, enzymes and hormones can maintain the body's metabolism
  •  Constitute the antibody (immunoglobulin) so that the body's immune system functioning normally
  •  Helps blood circulation
  •  Improve children's intelligence

(B) enhance immunity

 Operational functions of internal organs is imperfect:

  • Children's physical development and function of the body is not yet mature, so the absorption of nutrients are low and collaboration, resulting in risk of developing nutritional deficiencies in many and various infectious diseases such as colds, laryngitis, diarrhea and so on.

 Infectious disease rates more than 20 times higher than adults:

  • Facts have proved that, in addition to hospitals, where the most vulnerable to infectious diseases is the school. Because resistance is weak, coupled with every day out in a crowded place, so the chance of children infected at least two times higher than adults.

(C) to improve intelligence

Lecithin (beneficial brain food)

  •  Good for brain activity
  •  Accelerate the transmission of information the brain cells
  •  Slow atrophy of brain cells, thus preventing mental decline 

Vegetables and fruit

  •  Rich in zinc, in order to enhance children's memory
  •  Provide the basic needs of human cells, so that the protein daily life as usual
  •  Minerals, protein accounted for about brain thirty to thirty-five%
  •  To ensure the proper functioning of the brain
  • Minerals (calcium and iron)
  •  Regulation of physiological functions
  •  Calcium

Maintenance of the nervous system

To prevent the highly active

Remain calm and rational

Enhance the ability to judge

Through support to overcome the physical and Burnout

  •  Iron

Manufacture of red blood pigment

Promote the body's oxygen cycle

Lecithin - can promote the brain works and analysis capabilities, slow mental decline and atrophy of brain cells, brain cells and promote the development of the nervous system.

Contains large amounts of alkaline elements in the vegetables and fruit extracts - to promote brain development, enhance memory, increase intelligence, to maintain the normal operation of the

Glucose - the brain cells quickly provide heat to avoid low blood sugar disease.

Vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, B12, E) - to increase the brain's sensitivity, adaptability and ability to distinguish improve and maintain mental, and physical activity to prevent brain decline.

(D) to promote normal development

 Children than adults, the nutritional needs of two to three times to add strength, as muscle, brain tissue and other organs of the growth, the demand for protein of children up to two to three times more than adults.

 Body and skeletal development depends on the absorption of nutrients, strong bones will help the development of children's stature.

In addition to bone to provide adequate nutrition, immunization and more nutritious meals is also beneficial to reduce bone because of malnutrition and the probability of exposure to the pathogen, such as rickets, softening and malformation of ovarian disease.

Main raw materials:
Bean lecithin, vegetable protein, wheat germ, glucose, fiber, Colostrum (New Zealand), oat flour, honey, dehydrated vegetables, dehydrated fruits and legumes essence


  • Babies from six months to five years old: one tablespoon every morning to brew warm milk
  • More than five years: two to three tablespoons every morning to warm water
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