Home Products Food & Beverages Health Food Wheat Grass Wheat days health supplement tablets (1,800 pieces)
Wheat Grass Wheat days health supplement tablets (1,800 pieces)
List Price : RM345.00
Product Code : HC0057
Product Category : Health Food
Unit of Measurements : 1
Minimum Order Quantity : 1
Easy Pha-Max Marketing Sdn Bhd
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Contact Person : Ben S.T. Wong
: 603-80681699
: 603-80665129
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Description :

Know your physical condition, away from the killers!

The 21st century, technological advances of today, people eating requirements, but also a growing tendency to refining and chemical technology of. Too fine food, generally have more emphasis on taste, health is often neglected damage. Coupled with environmental and water pollution, resulting in today's civilization diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, stroke and other cases rising sharply. According to World Health Organization has projected 2005 global mortality, we found a mortality rate of chronic diseases, infectious diseases (including AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria), maternal nutritional deprivation syndrome symptoms and double.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) including heart or blood vessels (arterial and venous) disease accounts for the world's highest mortality rates.Cardiovascular disease affects the heart and blood of the operation. The following chart shows the 2002 World Health Organization published a variety of age groups around the world die of cardiovascular disease reported.

Your brain and blood your blood the ultimate health food = the best health care products Yinao

Wheat grass contains a lot of wheat-day activity of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, rich in protein and trace elements in the human body can not lack. In addition to providing the necessary nutrients and the body outside of the day, it will be the body in the removal of toxins from the blood, the saying goes: "the aging of the human body from the vessel started, and the aging of blood vessels is the beginning from the blood", which means that if the blood maintain the clean, blood vessels can be smooth, the body is not aging, but also can prevent heart disease (CHD) and stroke due to vascular occlusion can not be smoothly transported blood diseases. Generally, the main cause of these diseases is because blood vessels to form a fat group, which cause blood vessels to become narrow, thus the formation of blood clots. In addition, because our blood will usually become a strong body of toxins.

Days of wheat grass is rich in wheat:

After days of flour fermentation process to extract high-tech kind of help the human body's natural organic ingredients. In the fermentation process, microorganisms to retain the original large number of active ingredients in foods such as polysaccharides, dietary fiber, flavonoids and other health effects on the body with the material, can inhibit the breeding of harmful substances in the body.

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